Investing sustainably for old age

Calm, discipline, perseverance and sustainability – with these four values, investors lay a solid foundation for a well-built 3rd pillar. In the video, Severin Schütz, Product Specialist at Swisscanto, explains how sustainability is implemented in our active investment products.

Severin Schütz, Swisscanto Product Specialist, explains why sustainable investment products enable an improvement in the risk/return profile compared to conventional investments.

Sustainable funds can improve the risk/return profile in the long term. We have been incorporating sustainability approaches into our actively managed pillar 3a funds since the beginning of 2020. Our Responsible approach consistently excludes weapons and ammunition manufacturers or companies that demonstrably tolerate child labor, for example. In addition, our investments are in line with the Paris Agreement.

Calm, discipline, perseverance and sustainability

These four values (article in German) fill the 3rd pillar. Anyone who invests regularly and continuously and also favors sustainable investment vehicles increases the chances of a well-filled 3rd pillar by retirement.

