Christian Haller

Product Specialist Equities & Themes

Christian Haller has been working as a Senior Product Specialist "Equities & Themes" in Asset Management at Zürcher Kantonalbank since 2016. In his role, he actively advises various stakeholder groups at the interface between portfolio management and the client relationship team. As a member of the Business Development & Services team, he is also involved in the strategic development of Equities & Themes.

Christian Haller has spent his entire professional career in various roles in asset management: from 2007 to 2015, he worked as a portfolio analyst at RobecoSAM, and later as a portfolio manager, analyst and client relationship manager at asset manager Albin Kistler. He started his career in 2005 as Assistant Investment Performance Services at Ernst & Young, in the area of independent verification of banks, asset managers and investment funds.

Christian Haller graduated with a Master of Business Administration from the University of St. Gallen (HSG) in 2005. In 2012, he obtained his diploma as a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). He has held the title of Certified ESG Analyst (CESGA) since 2020. He regularly writes blog posts and articles for professional journals.

Blog posts

Multi Factor Investing: The factors Value and Quality deliver

We analyse the current performance of the factors value, momentum and quality. For quant investors, 2022 was marked by the comeback of the value factor.

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Thematic Funds: Popular despite criticism

Why investors in thematic funds should not only keep an eye on the trend, but also on the markets.

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Equities: Where institutional investors now find relative strength

Quantitative analysis can be used to achieve outperformance compared to the benchmark. The value factor in particular is able to deliver relative strength in the weak overall market.

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Litmus test for factor premiums

Systematic multi-factor strategies have proven them-selves again after a long dry spell. Thanks in part to the recovery in value stocks, they once again deliv-ered the performance expected of them. The most recent market upheavals are now calling for the next litmus test.

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Value and momentum: convergence in 2021?

The rotation to value stocks continues. This not only affects the performance of value and growth, but also the momentum factor. The prerequisites exist for a particularly successful combination of value and momentum. How can investors position themselves to benefit from this development?

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