Jan Elmer

Senior Portfolio Manager (Indirect Real Estate Switzerland)

Jan Elmer has been working in Asset Management at Zürcher Kantonalbank as a portfolio manager in the area of listed and unlisted Swiss real estate since 2022. He manages the Swisscanto (CH) Real Estate Fund Responsible Switzerland indirect (I) fund.

Before joining Zürcher Kantonalbank, Jan Elmer worked for Rahn+Bodmer Co. as a financial analyst for seven years. His responsibilities included fundamental analysis of Swiss real estate funds and real estate companies. From 2000 to 2015, he worked for a large regional bank in the canton of Zurich, most recently as Head of the "Investing" segment management, establishing an investment competence centre for various regional banks.

Jan Elmer holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in business economics with a major in banking and finance at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). In 2014, he obtained the Swiss Federal Diploma for Financial Analysts and Asset Managers/Certified International Investment Analyst (CIIA) from AZEK.

Blog posts

Integration of sustainability in Swiss real estate investments

The congruent implementation of sustainability in indirect Swiss real estate investments faces various challenges. A high degree of initiative is currently still required to fulfil sustainability aspects.

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Advantages of an active investment strategy for real estate funds

Passive investment strategies in the indirect real estate market are experiencing strong inflows into the respective funds. However, active fund managers have a number of trump cards to play - an overview.

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Swiss real estate funds: Invest after the price correction?

The prices of listed real estate funds fell sharply again in September 2022. What happened? Does the current price level offer an entry opportunity?

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Listed real estate funds after historic setbacks

The sharp decline in premiums is reflected in price losses in real estate funds. The index of listed Swiss real estate funds (SWIIT) lost 14.88 % since the beginning of the year..

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