1. Private
  2. Sustainability
  3. Sustainable investment funds

Sustainable investment funds

Financial edge through sustainability. Our overview helps you make a decision when it comes to the degree of sustainability you would like.

Responsible index funds

You invest in index funds that take into account sustainable criteria, including climate risks, and that at the same time are aligned with the common standard index.

  • Investment stewardship
  • Exclusion criteria to avoid controversies
  • ESG laggards out
  • CO2e reduction
  • Transparency (sustainability reporting)
  • + Further exclusions

Active Responsible funds

Our actively managed Responsible funds with traditional investments are our new standard and meet the following sustainability criteria:

  • Investment stewardship
  • Exclusion criteria to avoid controversies
  • ESG integration
  • CO2e reduction
  • Transparency (sustainability reporting)
  • + Further exclusions

Sustainable funds

Our actively managed Sustainable funds offer the possibility of investments in SDG securities and have even stricter selection and exclusion criteria.

  • Investment stewardship
  • Exclusion criteria to avoid controversies
  • ESG integration
  • CO2e reduction
  • Transparency (sustainability reporting)
  • + Investments in SDG leaders or ESG leaders
  • + Extensive exclusions