1. Private
  2. Swisscanto funds
  3. Equity funds

Equity funds: Seize investment opportunities and minimise risks

We’re the right team for your investment ambitions – offering strong performance and superior risk management. Our  fundamental, systematic and sustainable investment solutions are built on these two elements. With all our solutions, we select companies with promising business models and a great track record. We also pay attention to ESG aspects.

Your benefits with equity funds

You invest in equities of promising companies, selected by 30 experts using structured analysis processes including ESG integration.

Equity funds are suitable for you if you want to sustainably profit from the opportunities on the capital market and count on systematic risk management.

Equity funds participate in the growth of these companies in line with the Paris climate goals.

You invest in equities of promising companies, selected by 30 experts using structured analysis processes including ESG integration.

Equity funds participate in the growth of these companies in line with the Paris climate goals.

Equity funds are suitable for you if you want to sustainably profit from the opportunities on the capital market and count on systematic risk management.

Impressive performance

  1. Leader in sustainability
  2. Proven investment and innovation expertise
  3. First-class rating

How we find what you’re looking for

We do all the groundwork to ensure that you reach the most important milestones on your way to achieving your investment objectives.

For example, we focus on facts and foresight rather than short-lived trends when selecting company shares. So, our active equity funds only invest in companies with a proven business model. This involves taking a structured approach, incorporating ESG criteria in our investment decisions, identifying risks at an early stage and consistently exploiting opportunities. In the long term, we aim to achieve an above-average return on investment and solid capital growth with comparatively low risk.

Three ways to achieve investment objectives

You determine how we profitably invest your assets. With our fundamental solutions, you can count on our in-depth investment knowledge and a focused selection of equities. Our systematic solutions are based on intelligent computer models and comprehensive stock selection. With our sustainable solutions, you invest in companies that make a difference. This overview provides you with a decision-making aid with detailed information on the three investment styles. For all three types of equity funds, we offer a wide range of products so we can meet your individual investment needs.

Fundamental solutions

Fit for the long haul. Under our value-quality approach, we look for equities for our fundamental solutions from companies that pursue a solid business and sustainability strategy, but are currently still favourably valued by the market. Our aim here is to achieve an above-average long-term return on investment.

With a profitability screening and structured fundamental research, we select the 80 to 160 stocks from among more than 4,000 that are expected to post above-average returns with below-average risk over the next three to five years. We follow the bottom-up approach, i.e. we first analyse the individual companies before taking a close look at sectors, markets and regions. Sustainable analyses are integrated into the investment process, as is compatibility with the Paris climate targets.

Systematic solutions

A mix of precision computing power and sustainability critieria helps you achieve your specific investment objectives. For our systematic solutions with comprehensive stock selection, we focus on scientifically sound computer models and integrate sustainability criteria into the investment process. Every day, tens of thousands of reports, data and figures relevant to financial markets are published. We scour the data to separate the wheat from the chaff, systematically diversify our portfolios and balance reward and risk.


When selecting securities, we focus on valuations, quality and momentum and compare investments against a specific benchmark. To achieve this, we weight countries, sectors and currencies neutrally in order to minimise risks. Having many small equity positions also helps ensure portfolio stability. All portfolios with our quantitative solutions have an above-average ESG profile, which means that they also perform in social, ecological and business leadership terms and contribute to achieving the Paris climate targets.

Sustainable solutions

A win-win situation for investors, as well as for the economy, the environment and society. For our sustainable solutions, we invest in companies that, due to their positive contribution to at least one of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, could grow profitably and are still favourably valued in relation to the return on capital and their growth opportunities. We focus on education, equal opportunities, health and environmental protection and select companies that not only optimise processes, comply with regulations or standards, but also change something. Companies that have the potential to not only be the most responsible, but also the most successful in the future because they solve sustainability problems and more and more people are thinking, acting and investing sustainably.

When selecting securities, we focus on combining sustainable impact and quality, a unique approach in which we identify the winners of tomorrow for your portfolio.

All equity funds at a glance