Fabio Pellizzari

Head of ESG Strategy & Development (Head of Sustainability)

Fabio Pellizzari has been the Head of ESG Strategy & Development for Zürcher Kantonalbank's Asset Management since 2020. In this role, he is responsible for the sustainability strategy, its implementation, and further development across all asset classes.

Before joining Zürcher Kantonalbank, Fabio Pellizzari held various positions at RobecoSAM and Robeco for more than twelve years, where he was most recently Head of Strategic Product Management for the Group.

Fabio Pellizzari holds a Master of Arts degree in Business Administration from the University of Zurich, specialising in technology and innovation management. Prior to his studies, he worked in various positions at Schweizerischer Bankverein and Bank Julius Baer.

Blog posts

Paris Agreement on climate change – time is of the essence

Why we need effective reduction measures now, along with the necessary investments, to achieve the 1.5-degree climate target.

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Sustainability rating: Switzerland among the top three

We have once again rated almost 200 countries for sustainability. These issuers came out on top.

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Decarbonization: How to handle Scope 3 emissions

Taking into account greenhouse gas emissions for investments requires solid data. So-called scope categories serve as a basis. But this is only the starting point.

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CO2 reduction in the CHF portfolio - squaring the circle?

We also manage Swiss equity, bond and property investments. Due to the special characteristics of the domestic market, however, it is challenging to provide CHF portfolios with a continuous path to reduce greenhouse gases.

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Our climate strategy for Swisscanto investment products - an interim summary

Since 2020, our actively managed Swisscanto investment products that invest in traditional assets have been provided with specific climate targets. After four years, we can look back on a pleasing development and are making a few adjustments to our product portfolio.

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Decarbonisation by 2050 - A Herculean task

The global economy is allowed to emit a maximum of 465 gigatonnes of greenhouse gases by 2050. According to forecasts, the climate will then have a 50 per cent chance of warming by "only" 1.5 degrees. However, around half of the budget has already been used up.

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Effective transition

Sustainable investors can make a difference - and not just by investing in sustainable technologies. Thanks to engagement and the exercise of voting rights, they can also achieve this with traditional companies.

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Sustainable investment requires active dialogue

Investment stewardship is a hot topic right now. But what does this term mean? Our sustainability specialists Fabio Pellizzari and Rocchino Contangelo provide answers.

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How to identify and avoid greenwashing

At the Pension Fund Day of Zürcher Kantonalbank, Fabio Pellizzari commented on the topic of greenwashing in sustainable investments. He has clear messages on how to avoid greenwashing.

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Tackling green­washing with transparency, standards and education

Greenwashing is the buzzword of the moment and is increasingly bringing all fund providers into disrepute. Greater transparency in the investment process and adequate advice may offer a remedy.

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