1. Institutionelle
  2. Sustainability
  3. Transparency and reporting

At a glance: sustainability is measurable

"Sustainable" is a flexible term. With our sustainability reporting for sustainable products, we make sustainability measurable and transparent. Sustainability reporting also includes our proprietary sustainability rating, which reflects four indicators.

More transparency with sustainability reporting

With the sustainability reports for the active and passive Responsible as well as Sustainable funds of the traditional asset classes, you can see at a glance how sustainable your investments really are. The report is based on indicators that also underpin our proprietary sustainability rating. The report takes into account the criteria used in our investment process and gives you an in-depth insight into the sustainability performance of your investment product compared to the benchmark index. The Swisscanto sustainability rating assesses the sustainability performance based on the four basic elements of our sustainability approaches.

Swisscanto sustainability rating

Controversy score

Controversial business, questionable practices, violation of standards of conduct

ESG Score

How sustainably is the country or the company managed?

Climate Score

How much does the country or the company pollute the environment with its CO2 emissions?

SDG Score

Does the country or the company contribute towards achieving the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals?

The four indicators are each weighted at 25 percent. The result of the assessment is the Swisscanto sustainability rating. The rating is comparable to the energy label: from A (high) to G (low).

Our holistic sustainability assessment

We have developed the Swisscanto sustainability rating to reflect important sustainability aspects such as the contribution of products or services to tackling environmental and social challenges or controversial business practices and fields. Traditional ESG analyses primarily assess the operational sustainability management of companies and states.

For a more comprehensive sustainability assessment, we developed the Swisscanto sustainability rating for our sustainable investment solutions. The underlying analysis allows us to create a differentiated picture of all sustainability aspects relevant to us. After all, a tobacco manufacturer, for example, is not perceived as sustainable by the public, or only to a limited extent, because of its products – even if the company easily meets all criteria in the areas of corporate governance, talent management, transparency or the environmental management system.

How the Swisscanto sustainability rating benefits you

With the Swisscanto sustainability rating for our active and passive Responsible as well as Sustainable funds with traditional asset classes, you can see at a glance how sustainable your investment is according to our indicators. The indicators underlying the rating are also taken into account by our investment experts in the selection of securities and enable more informed investment decisions thanks to deeper insights into the sustainability performance of countries and companies.

One report per fund with traditional investments

Since we are convinced that reporting is important for our investors, we introduced sustainability reporting for our active and passive Responsible as well as Sustainable investment solutions with traditional asset classes at the beginning of 2021. We update the reports on a quarterly basis.

Swisscanto sustainability rating

With our reporting, you can see at a glance how sustainable your investment is: from A (high) to G (low). We assess states and companies on the basis of our four indicators for sustainability: controversy score, ESG score, climate score and SDG score.

CO2e intensity

With our sustainability reporting, we show the CO2e intensity of our sustainable investment funds with traditional investments and benchmarks, and compare them. CO2e or CO2 equivalents allow greenhouse gases to be compared.


We list the key controversial business areas and practices, and compare the proportion in the portfolios with benchmarks.

Brochures on the topic

Swisscanto sustainability rating