Pensions: The partner for pension funds

Zürcher Kantonalbank's Asset Management manages more than CHF 215 billion with investment funds and mandates. This includes pension funds or retirement benefit plans of small, medium-sized and large companies that entrust us with the asset management of pension assets.

2nd Pillar: Important role of Asset Management

The assets in the capital-funded pension scheme are increased by employer and employee contributions as well as the return on invested assets. As an asset manager, we take on an important role in occupational pensions. The trust that pension funds, retirement benefit plans and policyholders place in us obliges us to manage pension assets in a professional and return-focused manner in accordance with the highest ethical standards.

Experts for all important tasks

All pension funds need an individual solution to meet their pension obligations. For our pension solutions, we rely on the in-depth knowledge and experience of our specialists in strategic asset allocation and sustainable asset liability management.

The importance of the third contributor

The returns on pension assets, also known as the third contributor, are important for the sustainability of the second pillar. Over the past two decades, they have cumulatively generated 38 per cent of the income from occupational pensions with their performance. Demographic developments pose major challenges for our pension provision. As an asset manager, we contribute to the functioning of the pension system by actively managing pension assets.