Systematic selection of securities
Model-based analysis process for successful securities selection with ESG integration.
Every day, tens of thousands of reports, data and figures relevant to financial markets are published. We use scientifically substantiated computer models for securities selection, systematically diversify our portfolios and keep risk and return in balance.
Nowadays, many people can no longer see the essential information due to the volume of data. With our computer models and systematic strategies, we analyse data, connect it intelligently and draw the right conclusions from it. This way, we don't go with the flow. We systematically compose our portfolios and strive for excess returns. From 2006 to 2017, for example, we beat our MSCI World ex Switzerland benchmark index for 12 consecutive years.
We focus on valuation, quality and momentum when selecting stocks. We therefore implement our strategy in a disciplined manner, compare investments to a benchmark to maximise the information ratio and weight countries, sectors and currencies neutrally to minimise risks. We also diversify risk through many small equity positions. All portfolios have a better ESG profile than the benchmark and adhere to the Paris climate targets.