Positive asset development
We aim to achieve a positive development of the investment funds entrusted to us and thereby make the economy and society sustainably fit for tomorrow in the long term.
We are the second-largest asset manager in Switzerland. With our asset management and our products, we make the economy and society fit for the future in a sustainable manner. Institutions and pension funds trust our sustainability and pension expertise and rely on our pursuit of performance.
Zürcher Kantonalbank's asset management manages around CHF 246 billion under the Swisscanto brand. This puts us in second place in the ranking of Swiss asset managers. We have greatly expanded our expertise in the areas of sustainability and pensions in recent years.
Our 250 employees are committed, team-orientated and innovative. Together, they manage assets totalling CHF 246 billion in a wide range of asset classes. All of our asset management teams work in the financial centre of Zurich. From here, they enable you to participate reliably in the return opportunities of the international equity and capital markets at competitive costs.
From funds and individual mandates to multi-asset mandates across all asset classes, Zürcher Kantonalbank offers you transparent concepts for your investments and implements your individual investment strategies with performance and efficiency in mind. You can also benefit from the innovative and sustainable Swisscanto fund solutions developed by our experts.
We ensure the positive asset development of established institutions and thereby make the economy and society fit for the future in a sustained and sustainable manner. We strive for outstanding performance and apply high sustainability standards to all active investment products. Our expertise in pensions makes us a sought-after asset manager for pension funds and an established expert in this field throughout Switzerland.