How we fulfil our responsibility
As an active asset manager, we demand and promote sustainable business practices as well as adherence to recognised international principles and ESG best practice standards. To this end, we exercise voting rights in line with our sustainable thinking and strategy.

How you benefit from our climate commitment
With our active investment solutions in the traditional asset classes, we align ourselves with the Paris climate targets. Climate change has consequences for the economy and companies. We therefore try to identify the consequences at an early stage and avoid the risk of asset losses in a low-carbon future. To do so, we create scenarios and simulate short-, medium- and long-term consequences for business models, sustainability and investment performance.
Proxy voting: we vote responsibly
We actively exercise voting rights for the equities in our active and passive investment funds. We have a sustainable voting rights policy that is updated annually. For instance, this includes supporting relevant shareholder proposals at general meetings and promoting ESG best practice standards. We publish our voting guidelines and voting behaviour online because transparency is important to us.
Engagement: we demand and promote change
Our investment stewardship is built on three pillars, regardless of whether we have invested in equities or fixed-income securities:
- Dialogue: We promote responsible corporate governance in companies in which we have made significant investments.
- Collaboration: We are involved in promoting the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).
- Global engagement: We are committed to the UN Global Compact principles and our climate strategy.
Our fiduciary duty and social responsibility
As an active asset manager, we are committed to our investors and at the same time can do good for society. Moreover, we use ESG integration in our Responsible and Sustainable products with traditional investments to minimise ESG risks, abstain from critical investments based on exclusion criteria and continuously reduce the portfolio's CO2e intensity.