1. Institutionelle
  2. Sustainability
  3. Sustainable investment funds

Sustainable investment funds

With our Responsible and Sustainable funds, you invest sustainably. You decide on the degree of sustainability. We systematically apply sustainable criteria to our Responsible funds. For Sustainable funds, we also take into account the positive benefits of the companies in which we invest for the environment and society.

Active Responsible funds

You invest in an actively managed portfolio that takes into account the Paris climate targets and does not violate any of our exclusion criteria.

  • Investment stewardship
  • Exclusion criteria to avoid controversies
  • ESG integration
  • CO2e reduction
  • Transparency (sustainability reporting)
  • Plus further exclusions

Sustainable funds (active)

You invest, among other things, in states and companies that contribute to the achievement of one or more UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Investment stewardship
  • Exclusion criteria to avoid controversies
  • ESG integration
  • CO2e reduction
  • Transparency (sustainability reporting)
  • Plus investments in SDG leaders or ESG leaders
  • Plus extensive exclusions

How you benefit sustainably in the long term

With our Responsible and Sustainable funds, you invest your assets in a future-oriented and sustainable manner and take advantage of the opportunity for good returns.

Our Sustainable funds invest in companies that promote alternative or renewable energies and combat climate change.

We exclude manufacturers of prohibited weapons such as cluster bombs and cluster munitions, anti-personnel and landmines or biological and chemical weapons.

We analyse social criteria and use exclusion criteria in relation to the threat to people and the risk to their health.

For our Sustainable funds, we look for investment opportunities in companies that support measures and programmes for biodiversity.

With our Responsible and Sustainable funds, you invest your assets in a future-oriented and sustainable manner and take advantage of the opportunity for good returns.

We analyse social criteria and use exclusion criteria in relation to the threat to people and the risk to their health.

Our Sustainable funds invest in companies that promote alternative or renewable energies and combat climate change.

For our Sustainable funds, we look for investment opportunities in companies that support measures and programmes for biodiversity.

We exclude manufacturers of prohibited weapons such as cluster bombs and cluster munitions, anti-personnel and landmines or biological and chemical weapons.

Brochures on the topic

Sustainability is our conviction

Sustainable – On the path to a sustainable future

Voting policy & Engagement guidelines